

Discover the best 3D software solutions to design, produce and sell your jewelry. Design and sell your own jewelry models has never been that easy.

Matrix 9

For more than 16 years, Matrix users have driven the creative possibilities of computerized jewelry design. ​. With Matrix, you deliver an uncompromised ...

Matrix 9

Software information, tutorial videos, and course information on Gemvision/Stuller's Matrix 9 NURBS 3D Jewellery CAD Modeller.

Matrix CAD Solutions,LLC

Matrix CAD Solutions of Byram Township, New Jersey, is a technology company dedicated to making your AutoCAD drawing sessions easier and more precise by ...


For existing Matrix® or RhinoGold users, you have access to a transition price of $2,995. Financing options are available for up to 12 months interest free ...

MatrixGold, 3D CAD Software for Jewelry Design

MatrixGold adds a new dimension to Gemvision's advanced CAD solutions. It combines top Matrix and RhinoGold features with a simplified and fully customized ...


The GrabCAD Library offers millions of free CAD designs, CAD files, and 3D models. Join the GrabCAD Community today to gain access and download!

Matrix CAD Design

Matrix CAD Design Inc. is the southeast's leader in 3D Scanner sales and services. We provide sales of Creaform 3D scanners and Geomagic software.


Discoverthebest3Dsoftwaresolutionstodesign,produceandsellyourjewelry.Designandsellyourownjewelrymodelshasneverbeenthateasy.,Formorethan16years,Matrixusershavedriventhecreativepossibilitiesofcomputerizedjewelrydesign.​.WithMatrix,youdeliveranuncompromised ...,Softwareinformation,tutorialvideos,andcourseinformationonGemvision/Stuller'sMatrix9NURBS3DJewelleryCADModeller.,MatrixCADSolutionsofByram...